Why attend this workshop?
Back pain, pelvic floor problems and poor posture result form a variety of factors and therefore we need a comprehensive approach. Learn how to move well through your day with renewed resilience and performance. Strengthen your back and learn to release and strengthen the pelic floor while working your breathing muscles.
Achieve a more comfortable balanced body and enhanced posture in this specialist workshop.
What is covered?
This workshop incorporates detailed exercise instruction including the best of Foundation Training from Kate Gray a fully certified Foundation Training instructor in the UK. We consider and teach you how to sit, stand and move better and with less pain, while stregthening your whole body. We practice Pilates for core stability, pelvid strength and safe mobility.
Experience some simple feel good elements from Yoga and mindfulness for suppleness and stress release.
What else is presented?
Learn about everyday back care, why your posture might be hurting you and learn how to employ some simple strategies to relieve pain and promote pelvic health.
Discover some of the latest science about pain and the brain. Understand the role of stress in pain. Enjoy a deep relaxation to relieve stress and have access to the videos to view after the workshop.
How is it presented?
This workshop is written and presented by Kate Gray a fully certified Foundation Training Instructor, Pilates Teacher, level 4 Back Pain exercise instructor and a qualified Nurse. We teach you in person with a maximum eight attendees in our dedicated studio in North Baddesley, Southampton. Follow up videos and resources are available after the workshop.
Workshop fee £79
Fitskool regular attendees £69
Paid online via bank transfer
Please contact us to book
Please see terms and conditions